N.Y.’s Transit System Could Receive $10 Billion in Infrastructure Deal

The $1 tril­lion com­pro­mise bill worked out this week in the Sen­ate includes bil­lions of dol­lars for sub­ways, bus­es and rail­roads in the met­ro­pol­i­tan area.

Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn bahn spiele­max preise 

Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

Republicans Block Voting Rights Bill, Dealing Blow to Biden and Democrats

All 50 G.O.P. sen­a­tors opposed the sweep­ing elec­tions over­haul, leav­ing a long-shot bid to elim­i­nate the fil­i­buster as Democ­rats’ best remain­ing hope to enact legal changes. Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn […]

Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn bahn spiele­max preise 

Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

Democrats Unite Behind Voting Rights Bill as It Faces a Senate Roadblock

With Repub­li­cans set to fil­i­buster, Democ­rats are focus­ing on stay­ing uni­fied in the face of defeat. But the path ahead for the leg­is­la­tion is murky at best.

Democrats Float $6 Trillion Plan Amid Talks on Narrower Infrastructure Deal

Democ­rats are con­sid­er­ing mov­ing uni­lat­er­al­ly on a sweep­ing eco­nom­ic pack­age even as bipar­ti­san talks con­tin­ue on a small­er infra­struc­ture bill.

Senate Passes Bill to Bolster Competitiveness With China

The wide mar­gin of sup­port reflect­ed a sense of urgency among law­mak­ers in both par­ties about shoring up the tech­no­log­i­cal and indus­tri­al capac­i­ty of the Unit­ed States to counter Beijing.

Democrats, Converted to Filibuster Foes, Are Set to Force the Issue

Sen­a­tor Chuck Schumer, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic leader, is lin­ing up votes to build the case for defus­ing the pro­ce­dur­al weapon, which Repub­li­cans have used to thwart the party’s agenda.

Voting Rights Bill Falters in Congress as States Race Ahead

Oppo­si­tion from Repub­li­cans and some of their own sen­a­tors has left Democ­rats strug­gling to deter­mine whether they should try to nix the fil­i­buster to save a top priority.

After Skirting Filibuster Fight for Months, Democrats Near a First Battle

The loom­ing vote on cre­at­ing a com­mis­sion to inves­ti­gate the Jan. 6 Capi­tol assault could reignite a clash over the Sen­ate block­ing tac­tic. Activists wor­ry that time is short for a bid to elim­i­nate it.

Schumer Readies Plan B to Push Immigration Changes Unilaterally

Should bipar­ti­san talks stall, the Sen­ate major­i­ty leader is explor­ing try­ing to use bud­get rec­on­cil­i­a­tion to legal­ize mil­lions of undoc­u­ment­ed immigrants.

Progressive Lawmakers to Unveil Legislation on Energy and Public Housing

The pro­pos­al, billed as the Green New Deal for Pub­lic Hous­ing Act, offers a clear pol­i­cy mark­er for lib­er­als as Democ­rats seek to influ­ence Pres­i­dent Biden’s $2.3 tril­lion infra­struc­ture plan.

Democrats Win Crucial Tool to Enact Biden’s Plans, Including Infrastructure

A rul­ing from the par­lia­men­tar­i­an appears to clear the way for Democ­rats to bypass Repub­li­cans and fast-track at least one more fis­cal pack­age through the Sen­ate on a major­i­ty vote.

Biden Seeks Assault Weapons Ban and Background Checks

After the sec­ond mass shoot­ing in a week, the pres­i­dent said tighter gun laws should not be a par­ti­san issue, but Repub­li­cans in Con­gress showed lit­tle inter­est in Demo­c­ra­t­ic proposals.

Biden Stimulus Package Helps Mass Transit Avoid Doomsday Cuts

Pres­i­dent Biden’s sweep­ing stim­u­lus pack­age includes the largest sin­gle infu­sion of fed­er­al aid that pub­lic trans­porta­tion has ever received, allow­ing agen­cies to scrap plans for dra­con­ian cuts.

Schumer and a Teachers’ Union Boss Secure Billions for Private Schools

The pan­dem­ic relief bill includes $2.75 bil­lion for pri­vate schools. How it got there is an unlike­ly polit­i­cal tale, involv­ing Ortho­dox Jew­ish lob­by­ing, the Sen­ate major­i­ty leader and a teach­ers’ union president.