England relies on mass corona rapid tests

In Eng­land, peo­ple with­out symp­toms will soon be quick­ly test­ed for the coro­na virus across the board. Health Min­is­ter Matt Han­cock announced that two mil­lion anti­gen tests had been ordered from a British man­u­fac­tur­er. Mil­lions […]

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

EU countries want common standards for rapid antigen tests — today

In the fight against the coro­na pan­dem­ic, the EU states want com­mon stan­dards for rapid anti­gen tests. You need mutu­al recog­ni­tion of the tests and their results, said EU Coun­cil leader Charles Michel after video […]

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more