Calls Grow to Discipline Doctors Spreading Virus Misinformation
A tiny number of doctors have had an outsize influence in spreading false information about Covid-19 and vaccines.
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A tiny number of doctors have had an outsize influence in spreading false information about Covid-19 and vaccines.
Prof. Edward Ennels sold A’s for as little as $300, and also haggled with students over the price for various grades, according to the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. Tags: design TT Modellbahn TT H0 N […]
The State Department is investigating what happened to it.
The Trump administration successfully stonewalled a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit for the messages during his first impeachment.
A former top coach who was once one of the world’s greatest distance runners, Salazar had already been suspended for breaking rules governing banned substances.
L. Lin Wood and other lawyers are now trying to minimize the roles they played after the 2020 election.
The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on mitigating risk from Covid-19 without punitive measures —and more.
All 50 G.O.P. senators opposed the sweeping elections overhaul, leaving a long-shot bid to eliminate the filibuster as Democrats’ best remaining hope to enact legal changes.
The filibuster of a sprawling bill on voter rights, corruption and campaign finance will cap its journey from a Democratic statement to a larger struggle over the nation’s direction.
The eight contenders jousted over their policies on public safety, homelessness, education and climate change with less than a week left in the campaign.
Democrats denounced the Trump administration’s seizure of lawmakers’ data as an abuse of power and called on Republicans to back the congressional inquiry.
The debaters’ focus on Mr. Adams, centering on questions of his residency, reflected his front-runner status in the race for New York City mayor.
Grand jury minutes in the investigation into Daniel Prude’s death reveal the many ways the criminal justice system struggles when prosecuting the police.
Mr. Adams, the Brooklyn borough president, has called money the “enemy of politics.” But his fund-raising has repeatedly pushed the boundaries of campaign-finance and ethics laws.
Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe hat erstmals einen Hitze-Check für Städte mit 50.000 Einwohnern erstellt. Aus Sachsen sind sechs Städte dabei, darunter Görlitz.
Im Moselort Kröv sind Teile eines Hotels eingestürzt. Unter den Trümmern könnten sich nach Polizeiangaben neun Menschen befinden.
Kurz nachdem Donald Trump bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania auf die Bühne tritt, fallen mehrere Schüsse. Für das FBI steht kurz darauf fest: Es war ein Mordversuch gegen den Ex-Präsidenten. Noch sei der Schütze […]
Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung wird Trump durch Schüsse am Ohr verletzt. “Ich wusste sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte”, schreibt er anschließend auf Truth Social. Er habe sofort gespürt, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte. […]
LATHAM–Major General Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York, presents the Bronze Star Medal with V device to retired Master Sgt. Luis Barsallo during a ceremony at New York Division of Military and Naval […]
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