Corona / Covid-19 situation in the Benelux countries and Scandinavia — today 20–1

Bel­gium has one of the high­est death rates in the world. Due to the dra­mat­ic increase in the num­ber of cas­es, new mea­sures came into force at the begin­ning of Novem­ber. Shops that sell not […]

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

India in second place of the most affected Corona countries ‑today 20–1

In terms of the num­ber of infec­tions, India is the sec­ond most affect­ed coun­try in the world. Even so, the coun­try is eas­ing restric­tions as mil­lions of peo­ple have become unem­ployed. Accord­ing to a sur­vey […]

Tags: suchen suche search tag anzeigen besucherzahl brows­er design domain inhalt jahr karpfen kon­to prob­lem inhalt schal­ten mod­ell­bahn spiele­max spiel tag web­seite preise werbung 

Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

The rider from the Bosporus continues to provoke — the cartoon dispute is rife — Arab countries are boycotting France

“What prob­lem does this per­son named Macron have with Islam and Mus­lims?” Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Erdo­gan crit­i­cizes his French coun­ter­part with pithy words. This is not with­out con­se­quences: in some coun­tries retail­ers are tak­ing prod­ucts from […]