Willie Nelson, The Lumineers, Dave Matthews to play fundraiser for Hickenlooper’s Senate campaign

Willie Nel­son, Bon­nie Raitt, Dave Matthews, Nathaniel Rateliff and oth­er musi­cal lumi­nar­ies will come togeth­er Sept. 30 to shine a light on for­mer Col­orado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s cam­paign for the U.S. Senate.

“Hick-a-Palooza,” as the vir­tu­al event is called, will fea­ture per­for­mances from a string of acts that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic for­mer gov­er­nor and Den­ver may­or booked to raise mon­ey for his fight against incum­bent Repub­li­can Sen. Cory Gardner.

“While we might not be able to go to music fes­ti­vals this year, on Sep­tem­ber 30th John Hick­en­loop­er will bring togeth­er a vari­ety of musi­cal acts for a one-time vir­tu­al con­cert exclu­sive­ly for cam­paign vol­un­teers and sup­port­ers,” orga­niz­ers wrote in a press statement.

As of Sept. 10, Hick­en­loop­er held a nar­row lead over Gard­ner, 51% to 46%, in a tele­phone sur­vey of 800 like­ly vot­ers con­duct­ed by the bipar­ti­san polling firms of Fab­rizio Ward and Hart Research between Aug. 30 and Sept. 5. The poll was paid for by AARP and has a 3.6% mar­gin of error.

The line­up is still being final­ized, but orga­niz­ers have con­firmed appear­ances from Nel­son, Raitt, Matthews, Old Crow Med­i­cine Show, Rateliff, Wes­ley Schultz of The Lum­i­neers, Ryan Ted­der of OneRe­pub­lic, Michael Fran­ti, Spir­it of Grace, Todd Park Mohr of Big Head Todd and the Mon­sters, Jeff Han­na & Jaime Han­na of The Nit­ty Grit­ty Dirt Band, Mary Chapin Car­pen­ter, The Reminders and Raquel Garcia.

More artists are expect­ed to con­firm in the com­ing days. The exact RSVP details will be announced soon for the 6:15–8:15 p.m. event on Sept. 30.

“Folks will be able to the event online if they’ve donat­ed or have com­plet­ed a vol­un­teer shift for our cam­paign,” a cam­paign spokesman told The Den­ver Post on Monday.

Hick­en­loop­er has long been known as a music-friend­ly politi­cian, appear­ing on stage to intro­duce bands (as in past Under­ground Music Show­cas­es, which were spon­sored by The Den­ver Post) and even occa­sion­al­ly play­ing gui­tar or ban­jo with them, as he has at Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

Hick­en­loop­er has also been a long­time friend of Chuck Mor­ris, the Col­orado-based mega-pro­mot­er who recent­ly retired from AEG Presents Rocky Moun­tains — which is owned by Col­orado bil­lion­aire Philip Anschutz, and which pro­motes the major­i­ty of big-tick­et con­certs in the region.

Mor­ris recent­ly joined Col­orado State Uni­ver­si­ty to launch a new music-busi­ness pro­gram in Fort Collins, but has vowed to help Hick­en­loop­er in his nation­al polit­i­cal fight.

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