The President is an impertinence — First dispute over insulting soldiers — Now Trump calls for Fox journalist to be fired

Fck Trump
(Foto: AP)
A Fox News employ­ee con­firms that Trump is alleged to have called fall­en US sol­diers “idiots”. The US pres­i­dent had pre­vi­ous­ly reject­ed a cor­re­spond­ing report as a lie. The fact that the employ­ee of his house broad­cast­er dri­ves him into the parade makes him angry. US Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has demand­ed the dis­missal of a cor­re­spon­dent for Fox News after media reports about alleged deroga­to­ry remarks about fall­en US sol­diers. Jour­nal­ist Jen­nifer Grif­fin should be “fired” for report­ing, Trump urged on Twit­ter. You have nev­er asked the White House for an opin­ion, crit­i­cized Trump. Fox News is “lost” to him. The US mag­a­zine “The Atlantic” report­ed on Thurs­day that dur­ing a trip to France in Novem­ber 2018, Trump called US sol­diers who had fall­en in World War I “losers” and “idiots”. Accord­ing to the “Atlantic” arti­cle, Trump had reject­ed a planned vis­it to the US mil­i­tary ceme­tery Aisne-Marne near Paris on the trip to France with the words: “Why should I vis­it this ceme­tery? It is full of losers.”

News­pa­per report alleges Trump is said to have called dead US sol­diers “idiots”

In anoth­er con­ver­sa­tion on the same trip, Trump described the more than 1,800 US sol­diers buried in the ceme­tery as “idiots”, report­ed “The Atlantic”. Accord­ing­ly, there are four wit­ness­es for Trump’s state­ments. The US del­e­ga­tion offi­cial­ly stat­ed at the time that Trump could not vis­it the ceme­tery because his heli­copter could not take off due to bad weath­er. Viet­nam vet­er­ans offend­ed, Fox News jour­nal­ist Grif­fin claims to have received con­fir­ma­tion of Trump’s state­ments. Two for­mer gov­ern­ment offi­cials had con­firmed that Trump had refused to vis­it the ceme­tery “to hon­or Amer­i­can war dead.” The weath­er did not play a role. One of Griffin’s sources also con­firmed that Trump had called US sol­diers “fools” — albeit in a dif­fer­ent con­text. “When the pres­i­dent spoke about the Viet­nam War, he said, ‘It was a stu­pid war. Every­one who went was a fool,” Trump said, accord­ing to the journalist.

Trump denies the alle­ga­tions. On Fri­day, the Repub­li­can, who wants to be re-elect­ed for a sec­ond term in Novem­ber, said it was a “fake sto­ry”. For him, fall­en sol­diers are “absolute heroes”. US Pres­i­dent Mela­nia Trump also defend­ed her hus­band. The alle­ga­tions were “not true,” said the first lady on Twit­ter. “These are very dan­ger­ous times when anony­mous sources are believed more than any­thing else and nobody knows their moti­va­tion. This is not jour­nal­ism — this is activism.” Trump’s rela­tion­ship with the country’s armed forces is com­pli­cat­ed. The pres­i­dent empha­sizes again and again that he has strength­ened the mil­i­tary and pro­vid­ed it with more mon­ey. How­ev­er, in the past few years there have been repeat­ed dif­fer­ences of opin­ion with the mil­i­tary lead­er­ship and open argu­ments with respect­ed ex-generals.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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