Despite the increasing number of corona cases, the Czech Republic is loosening its quarantine regulations. Anyone who has come into contact with an infected person and shows no symptoms no longer automatically needs to be isolated at home if both sides have worn a face mask. Health Minister Adam Vojtech announced that these contact persons would only have to monitor their state of health from Tuesday. People who have survived Covid in the past 90 days are also exempt from the quarantine obligation for contact persons. They had built up immunity, it was said to justify. The Czech Republic, which was still considered a model student at the beginning of the pandemic, is currently struggling with a rapid increase in the number of cases. The number of people ever infected rose to around 36,200, including just under 14,440 active cases. 456 people died in connection with Covid 19 disease. The German government declared the capital region of Prague a risk area last week and warned against traveling there.