The Czech Republic is loosening up despite rising corona numbers

Despite the increas­ing num­ber of coro­na cas­es, the Czech Repub­lic is loos­en­ing its quar­an­tine reg­u­la­tions. Any­one who has come into con­tact with an infect­ed per­son and shows no symp­toms no longer auto­mat­i­cal­ly needs to be iso­lat­ed at home if both sides have worn a face mask. Health Min­is­ter Adam Vojtech announced that these con­tact per­sons would only have to mon­i­tor their state of health from Tues­day. Peo­ple who have sur­vived Covid in the past 90 days are also exempt from the quar­an­tine oblig­a­tion for con­tact per­sons. They had built up immu­ni­ty, it was said to jus­ti­fy. The Czech Repub­lic, which was still con­sid­ered a mod­el stu­dent at the begin­ning of the pan­dem­ic, is cur­rent­ly strug­gling with a rapid increase in the num­ber of cas­es. The num­ber of peo­ple ever infect­ed rose to around 36,200, includ­ing just under 14,440 active cas­es. 456 peo­ple died in con­nec­tion with Covid 19 dis­ease. The Ger­man gov­ern­ment declared the cap­i­tal region of Prague a risk area last week and warned against trav­el­ing there.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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