Summit fire danger increased to very high as Forest Service reduces restrictions in other parts of Colorado

Sum­mit County’s fire dan­ger has been increased to very high — accord­ing to the Red, White & Blue Fire Pro­tec­tion Dis­trict — despite restric­tions loos­en­ing else­where in the state.

U.S. For­est Ser­vice offi­cials will decrease some fire restric­tions in cer­tain areas of the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est on Fri­day, Sept. 18. The For­est Ser­vice will reduce fire restric­tions to Stage 1 in the Aspen-Sopris, Eagle-Holy Cross and Rifle Ranger dis­tricts Fri­day. The Dil­lon and Blan­co ranger dis­tricts will remain in Stage 2 fire restrictions.

The pri­ma­ry dif­fer­ence between the stages for campers and recre­ation­ists is that Stage 1 restric­tions allow for camp­fires and the use of char­coal in des­ig­nat­ed met­al grates at devel­oped For­est Ser­vice camp­grounds and pic­nic areas. Camp­fires and char­coal are not allowed any­where under Stage 2 restric­tions. Propane stoves and oth­er petro­le­um-fueled camp­ing equip­ment are allowed under both stages.

Stage 2 fire restric­tions remain in place for all of Sum­mit Coun­ty and local Bureau of Land Man­age­ment lands. The fire dan­ger is expect­ed to stay ele­vat­ed until the next sig­nif­i­cant pre­cip­i­ta­tion arrives in the county

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