Nuggets’ Jamal Murray: Lakers try to “manipulate” refs’ whistles

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. – Nuggets guard Jamal Mur­ray knew exact­ly what hap­pened dur­ing Friday’s lop­sided sec­ond quar­ter, he was just care­ful where he was cast­ing the blame.

The Lak­ers took 24 free-throw attempts in the quar­ter, includ­ing eight dur­ing a piv­otal 17–1 run over the first five min­utes. The Nuggets nev­er recov­ered from the land­slide, which also fea­tured six turnovers and a Mur­ray tech­ni­cal foul. The Lak­ers fin­ished their 126–114 Game 1 win with a 37–28 advan­tage on free-throw attempts.

“If you ed the game, you could tell,” Mur­ray said diplo­mat­i­cal­ly. “Yeah, if you ed the game, then you could tell.”

But when asked how he can adapt to the whis­tle, he let out a laugh know­ing it was an unavoid­able theme.

“Just try to play through it,” Mur­ray said. “It’s tough. (The Lak­ers) want to talk about every call and have full con­ver­sa­tions and try to manip­u­late what hap­pens, but you can’t wor­ry about it. We know how it’s going to be. We know we’re the younger team. We’re just going to play through it. We’re going to find a way and we’re not going to go away so easy.”

Mal­one was sim­i­lar­ly coy. He rarely offers opin­ions on offi­ci­at­ing, pre­fer­ring to keep his mon­ey and avoid read­i­ly avail­able excuses.

“I’m look­ing for­ward to ing the film to see where all these fouls were called,” Mal­one said. “Obvi­ous­ly, in the sec­ond half things got evened out, but it was an extreme advan­tage for the Lak­ers in that first half. So the film, see the fouls that are being called, why they’re being called, should they have been called, and then try to learn from it and get bet­ter for Game 2.”

The Lak­ers missed 10 free throws (27-of-37), but it was the foul calls that under­cut Denver’s mis­sion. Niko­la Jokic picked up three fouls in just 13 min­utes over the first half, and his fourth came less than a minute into the third quar­ter. He had five before the Lak­ers head­ed to the fourth with a con­vinc­ing 24-point lead. Team­mates Mur­ray and Paul Mill­sap both had to be care­ful as well after pick­ing up three each in the first half.

“I’m not going to sit here and just blame it on the refs,” Mur­ray said. “That’s not what I’m doing. We just got to play through it and earn the respect.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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