Nuggets 3‑pointers: Nikola Jokic has a bum wrist? It sure didn’t look like it against the Clippers in Game 3

1. Joker’s got a wrist prob­lem? Since late Sun­day, we’d won­dered if Niko­la Jokic, who was report­ed­ly nurs­ing a sore right wrist, would be good to go in time for Game 3. If the Ser­bian Sniper was feel­ing any ill effects, the dude didn’t show it. Big Hon­ey was Big Mon­ey right from the get-go on Mon­day, fin­ish­ing with 10 points after the first quar­ter and 14 points, eight rebounds and six assists over the first two periods.

2. Seri­ous­ly. What wrist prob­lem? Game 3 played out like a high­light film of Joker’s great­est hits, espe­cial­ly ear­ly. With about four min­utes left in the first quar­ter, the Nuggets cen­ter tear-dropped a baby hook with his right hand while jump­ing off the wrong foot. And his one-hand­ed, cross-court Hail Mary pass with 9:36 left in the third peri­od to a sprint­ing Jera­mi Grant for the fast-break dunk put the Nuggets up 67–62, bring­ing the vir­tu­al crowd in Lake Bue­na Vista, Fla. To their feet. Er, pixels.

3. MPJ is A‑OK. The high-ris­ing kid keeps climb­ing. Michael Porter Jr. addressed his defen­sive mat­u­ra­tion ear­li­er in the week, but Mon­day pro­vid­ed a reminder of just why Nuggets envi­sion the for­mer Mis­souri star as the next piece in the franchise’s cham­pi­onship puz­zle. Porter had 18 points through the game’s first 42 min­utes, the most he’d pro­duced in a post­sea­son con­test since drop­ping 28 on Utah back on August 19. It was also his third game out of the last four in which he’s picked up mul­ti­ple steals.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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