Navalny employees beaten up before regional elections in Russia

An activist of the oppo­si­tion group led by Krem­lin crit­ic Alex­ei Naval­ny was beat­en by strangers in east­ern Rus­sia and appar­ent­ly seri­ous­ly injured. It’s not the first attack of its kind in recent days. An employ­ee of the poi­soned Krem­lin crit­ic Alex­ei Naval­ny was beat­en up in the city of Chelyabin­sk ahead of the upcom­ing region­al elec­tions. Alex­ej Bara­boschkin, coor­di­na­tor of Navalny’s staff in the city on the Urals, was attacked by strangers dur­ing the night, the team said. He may have sus­tained seri­ous head injuries.

Activists from the Naval­ny area were attacked with chem­i­cal substances

The res­cue work­ers assumed the vic­tim had a frac­tured skull. Tele­phone or mon­ey were not stolen. Accord­ing to a report by the Inter­fax news agency, the police announced they would be inves­ti­gat­ing the case. Sev­er­al Naval­ny work­ers report­ed­ly received numer­ous threats in the past few weeks. In Chelyabin­sk, the region­al par­lia­ment is elect­ed at the week­end. Navalny’s team wants to break the dom­i­nance of the Krem­lin par­ty Unit­ed Rus­sia there. A few days ago, an office in the city of Novosi­birsk in which a group of oppo­si­tion activists who are close to Naval­ny works was attacked. An unknown per­son stormed into the office on Tues­day and broke a bot­tle con­tain­ing an unknown chem­i­cal. Two peo­ple were tak­en to the hospital.

Fear of assas­si­na­tion attempt in Berlin Police inten­si­fy guard­ing of Navalny

The Russ­ian region­al elec­tions start on Fri­day and last for three days. The polit­i­cal mood in the coun­try is tense, Russia’s Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin is under pres­sure because of the eco­nom­ic and coro­na cri­sis as well as cor­rup­tion scan­dals in the ranks of his par­ty. Nev­er­the­less, his Unit­ed Rus­sia par­ty should emerge vic­to­ri­ous in almost all regions. Alex­ej Naval­ny is cur­rent­ly being treat­ed for poi­son­ing at the Berlin Char­ité after falling into a coma on a domes­tic flight in Rus­sia. He is now con­scious again. The 44-year-old is one of the sharpest crit­ics of Krem­lin boss Vladimir Putin.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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