Kickin’ It with Kiz: Drew Lock is not Patrick Mahomes. But if Lock is Jake Plummer, would Broncos be happy?

I’m still not sold on Bron­cos quar­ter­back Drew Lock one way or anoth­er. But he is far more tal­ent­ed than any oth­er quar­ter­back in Den­ver since Pey­ton Man­ning, so I get the excite­ment about him. I just think Lock hasn’t had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow like most quar­ter­backs get in their ear­ly sea­sons as pros. Lock is learn­ing on the fly, more or less.

— Stephen, patient by nature

Kiz: If a quar­ter­back has the skills to play at the NFL lev­el, there’s no rea­son for him to sit on the bench. Patrick Mahomes start­ed one game as a rook­ie for the Chiefs and Lamar Jack­son got sev­en starts in his first sea­son with the Ravens before both young QBs took the league by storm as sopho­mores. Is Lock going to be Mahomes or Jack­son? Not like­ly. But let me ask: If Lock proves to be as good for Den­ver as Jake Plum­mer, would you take it? Jake the Snake’s record for the Bron­cos was 40–18 in reg­u­lar sea­son and play­off games. Not too shabby.

The Lak­ers have got their work cut out for them against the Nuggets. Antho­ny Davis is a tough matchup for Jok­er, but the Blue Arrow has the most Mam­ba on either ros­ter. I pre­dict Nugs vs Heat in the Finals.

— Mike, on edge of his seat

Kiz: In the West­ern Con­fer­ence finals, the nation­al media will focus on LeBron James. Why? Because he’s the King, that’s why. And Stephen A. exists to kiss the King’s ring. My advice? Don’t waste one sec­ond get­ting irked about a fas­ci­na­tion with the Lake Show by any shout­ing head on TV. We live in Col­orado. And that’s pret­ty sweet.

I’m assum­ing all the uni­ver­si­ties now jump­ing on that jalopy of a col­lege foot­ball band­wag­on will be offer­ing the stu­dent body at large the same test­ing and treat­ment pro­to­cols as they offer “stu­dent-ath­letes” on the foot­ball team?

— John, street smart

Kiz: I assumed uni­ver­si­ty pres­i­dents put edu­ca­tion first. I assumed the adults that run col­leges val­ue the health of all stu­dents as much as the cheap labor­ers block­ing and tack­ling so coach Nick Saban can be paid $8.85 mil­lion per year. Well, I was wrong. Now, I love ing col­lege foot­ball. So here’s hop­ing Bama, the Buck­eyes and Domers all fin­ish this sea­son with a bare min­i­mum of COVID cas­es. But here’s also hop­ing the pan­dem­ic expos­es the bloat­ed costs of high­er edu­ca­tion as the rip-off it is at many uni­ver­si­ties that charge in excess of $50,000 per year for more ivy than substance.

You are more like­ly to die dri­ving to the foot­ball sta­di­um than from coronavirus.

— Jason, for­mer ski instructor

Kiz: You’re telling me more than 200,000 Amer­i­cans die dri­ving to NFL and col­lege games every year? Would you mind offer­ing proof? Or did you grad­u­ate from the Col­lege of Alter­na­tive Facts?

And today’s part­ing shot is either a com­pli­ment to my sun­ny dis­po­si­tion or a suck­er punch to my bald nog­gin. Take your pick.

It pains me to say it, Mr. Sun­shine. But you seem to be get­ting bet­ter with age. Maybe your reced­ing hair­line is result­ing in more ener­gy to your brain?

— Kirk, kin­da sassy

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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