Instagrammer David Lesh may be temporarily banned from forests

A part-time Col­orado res­i­dent with a his­to­ry of ignor­ing back­coun­try rules may be tem­porar­i­ly banned from U.S. For­est Ser­vice land, a law enforce­ment offi­cial said Monday.

The U.S. Dis­trict Attorney’s Office in Grand Junc­tion will ask that David Lesh, 34, “be restrained from going on For­est Ser­vice lands” for the dura­tion of the fed­er­al case filed against him last week that alleges ille­gal activ­i­ties at Key­stone Ski Area and Hang­ing Lake out­side Glen­wood Springs, said Peter Hautzinger, assis­tant U.S. attorney.

Lesh made his first vir­tu­al appear­ance in U.S. Dis­trict Court in Grand Junc­tion on Mon­day after pros­e­cu­tors filed a six-count indict­ment against him Sept. 15 accus­ing him of ille­gal­ly oper­at­ing a snow­mo­bile April 24 at Key­stone and enter­ing Hang­ing Lake on June 10 when it was closed.

Both of those inci­dents occurred as Lesh, the own­er of an out­door cloth­ing com­pa­ny, await­ed pun­ish­ment for snow­mo­bil­ing over grass and frag­ile des­ig­nat­ed wilder­nesss ter­rain near the Upper Lost Man Trail­head in July 2019.

Read more on our part­ner site The Aspen Times.

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