How to Show Personalized Content to Different Users in WordPress

Do you want to show dif­fer­ent con­tent to dif­fer­ent users in WordPress? 

Some­times you may want to show cus­tom con­tent to users from spe­cif­ic loca­tions, on spe­cif­ic dates, or oth­er con­di­tions. Web­site per­son­al­iza­tion is not avail­able in Word­Press out of the box. How­ev­er there are easy drag & drop tools that can make life easy.

In this arti­cle, we’ll show you how to eas­i­ly show dif­fer­ent con­tent to dif­fer­ent users based on spe­cif­ic con­di­tions with dynam­ic text replace­ment, con­tent per­son­al­iza­tion, and more. 

Showing different content to different users in WordPress

Why Show Different Content to Users in WordPress?

Nor­mal­ly, when you pub­lish con­tent on your Word­Press web­site, it just becomes avail­able to every­one. What if you want­ed to show a dif­fer­ent ver­sion of the con­tent to spe­cif­ic users? 

For instance, you may want to offer free ship­ping to cus­tomers in a spe­cif­ic geo­graph­ic loca­tion, or show dif­fer­ent con­tent to users com­ing from a par­tic­u­lar land­ing page.

One way to deal with this is by mak­ing a mem­ber­ship site and restrict­ing access to con­tent based on a user’s profile. 

But not every­one wants to require user login to offer personalization.

That’s where Word­Press web­site per­son­al­iza­tion solu­tions can help.

You can use smart con­di­tions to add con­tent per­son­al­iza­tion on your blogs, prod­uct per­son­al­iza­tion on your online store, and dynam­ic text replace­ment on your land­ing pages.

These con­di­tions can include spe­cif­ic user inter­ac­tions, their geo­graph­ic loca­tion, time of day, spe­cif­ic pages they’re vis­it­ing, spe­cif­ic traf­fic refer­rer source, past behav­ior, and more. 

That being said let’s take a look at how to show dif­fer­ent con­tent to dif­fer­ent users in WordPress. 

Method 1. Showing Different Content to Users Using OptinMonster (Website Personalization Made Easy)

Opt­in­Mon­ster is the best con­ver­sion opti­miza­tion tool on the mar­ket. It comes with pow­er­ful tar­get­ing rules which allow you to show per­son­al­ized cam­paigns to users based on a large set of dis­play rules. 

This method is rec­om­mend­ed for all users because it gives you the abil­i­ty to design your con­tent and comes with more pow­er­ful tar­get­ing rules. It also works with your exist­ing inte­gra­tions and third-par­ty apps. 

First, you’ll need to sign up for an Opt­in­Mon­ster account. It is a paid tool and you’ll need at least Pro or Growth plan to access all tar­get­ing features. 


Next, you need to install the Opt­in­Mon­ster plu­g­in on your Word­Press site. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a Word­Press plu­g­in.

Upon acti­va­tion, you need to click on the Opt­in­Mon­ster menu in the Word­Press admin sidebar. 

Next, you need to click on the ‘Con­nect Your Account’ but­ton to con­nect your Word­Press site to your Opt­in­Mon­ster account. 

Connect OptinMonster to your WordPress account

Design The Content You Want to Show to the Users

Once con­nect­ed, you need to click on the ‘Cre­ate New Cam­paign’ but­ton at the top. 

Create new campaign

This will take you to the Opt­in­Mon­ster web­site where you will be asked to choose a cam­paign type and template. 

Choose campaign type and template

Opt­in­Mon­ster offers dif­fer­ent cam­paign types that you can use to show var­i­ous types of con­tent or tar­get­ed mes­sages to your users. This includes light­box pop­ups, float­ing bar, fullscreen, inline wid­get, slide in, and gam­i­fied campaigns. 

For instance, if you want to show dynam­ic con­tent inside a Word­Press post or page, then you can choose the Inline cam­paign type. 

Each cam­paign type has dozens of tem­plates to choose from. Sim­ply click to select and use a template.

After that, you will be asked to enter a name for this cam­paign and select or add the web­site where it will run. 

Campaign title

Next, you’ll enter the OptinMonster’s cam­paign builder inter­face. It is a drag and drop tool where you can design your cam­paign with a live preview. 

OptinMonster builder

Sim­ply click on an ele­ment in the pre­view to edit it or add a new ele­ment from the left pan­el. Opt­in­Mon­ster also con­nects with all top email mar­ket­ing ser­vices so you can show an email sign up form. 

While the soft­ware was ini­tial­ly designed to help you get more email sub­scribers, it has now evolved into a full-fea­tured con­ver­sion opti­miza­tion suite.

You can use the cam­paign builder to cre­ate modals and cam­paigns to add any type of con­tent such as a coupon code, free ship­ping offer, smart prod­uct rec­om­men­da­tions, or any­thing you want. 

Once you are done with the design of your cam­paign, you can click on the Save but­ton at the top to store your changes.

You can always edit your design and change it to match your dis­play rules. We will show you a few design exam­ples tai­lored for dif­fer­ent dis­play sce­nar­ios in the next step. 

Setting up Display Rules for Campaign

This is the part where you set up the dis­play rules to decide when to show your campaign. 

Inside the Opt­in­Mon­ster builder inter­face, switch to the ‘Dis­play Rules’ tab. 

It allows you to cre­ate smart rule sets, and choose from a ton of tar­get­ing options. 

OptinMonster display rules

First, you need to choose the con­di­tions to match. There are plen­ty of options here. Let’s take a brief look a each one of them. 

1. Time based Trig­gers

These trig­gers allow you to set dis­play rules based on time or date. You can show your cam­paign con­tent at the spe­cif­ic date, time, or day of the week. 

Time based triggers

These trig­gers allow you to show cus­tom mes­sages designed for spe­cif­ic dates and times. For instance, you can show a flash sale coupon on hol­i­days or dis­play a mes­sage on spe­cial events. 

Displaying a holiday sale message using time based trigger

2. Tar­get­ting Users Match­ing Spe­cif­ic Criteria

The tar­get­ing sec­tion allows you to set dis­play rules based on smart recog­ni­tion tech­nol­o­gy. For instance, you can show cam­paign to users com­ing from a spe­cif­ic web­site, refer­ral, land­ing page, or Geo­graph­ic loca­tion. You can also tar­get based on cook­ies, ad block­er, and JavaScript variables. 

Targeting users

As an inde­pen­dent pub­lish­er, you may want to ask vis­i­tors to sup­port you by dis­abling the adblock soft­ware. You can show a mes­sage only to the users with AdBlock soft­ware installed. 

AdBlock software installed

Anoth­er great usage is to give spe­cial offers to vis­i­tors com­ing from a spe­cif­ic URL. For instance, you may want to offer an exclu­sive dis­count to users com­ing from an affil­i­ate part­ner website. 

Target referral traffic

3. Per­son­al­iza­tion Tar­get­ing

Opt­in­Mon­ster allows you to set per­son­al­ized dis­play rules based on user behav­ior. You can show cus­tom cam­paigns to new user, return­ing vis­i­tor, device tar­get­ing, users who have already con­vert­ed, not con­vert­ed, have seen anoth­er cam­paign, vis­it­ed a page, and more. 

Personalized content

You can also use OptinMonster’s smart tags fea­ture to dis­play a user’s name, loca­tion, and more to show them even more per­son­al­ized con­tent. This allows you to tai­lor the con­tent to spe­cif­ic users. 

Using smart tags for personalized content in OptinMonster

Here’s anoth­er exam­ple of how smart tags work:

Smart Tags OptinMonster

4. Ecom­merce Dis­play Rules

These trig­gers are made specif­i­cal­ly to boost con­ver­sions on eCom­merce web­sites. You can show con­tent to users based on their shop­ping behav­ior. Opt­in­Mon­ster sup­ports WooCom­merce, Big­Com­merce, and Shopi­fy eCom­merce platforms. 

eCommerce targeting

Ecom­merce tar­get­ing allows you to show con­tent based on what prod­ucts users are view­ing, num­ber of prod­ucts in cart, total cart amount, and more. 

Using eCommerce targeting based on shopping behavior

Bonus: Need more help to reduce cart aban­don­ment on your online store? See our tips on how to recov­er aban­doned cart sales in WooCom­merce for some more ideas. 

Once you select a con­di­tion, you will then be asked to select what to look for. For instance, if you choose a geo­graph­ic loca­tion, then you will be asked to select loca­tions that need to be matched. 

Conditions to match

After set­ting up your con­di­tion, you can val­i­date it to make sure it is set up cor­rect­ly and then click on the ‘Next Step’ button. 

Next, you will be asked to select the cam­paign view. Depend­ing on your cam­paign you can choose from the optin view (the main cam­paign), suc­cess view, or Yes/No view.

Campaign view

Click on the next step but­ton to continue. 

You’ll now see a sum­ma­ry of your dis­play rule set. If you want you can add more rules or sim­ply click on the ‘Save’ but­ton at the top to store your changes. 

Publish Your Content and Add it to Your Website

Opt­in­Mon­ster also makes it super easy to dis­play cam­paigns on your web­site. Sim­ply switch to the pub­lish tab inside the builder and tog­gle the Sta­tus but­ton to ‘Live’.

Publish campaign

Don’t for­get to click on the ‘Save’ but­ton to store your changes. 

You can now go back to your Word­Press site and vis­it Opt­in­Mon­ster » Cam­paigns page. You’ll see your new cam­paign list­ed there (if not, then click on the Refresh cam­paign but­ton to reload). 

OptinMonster campaigns dashboard in WordPress

Sim­ply click on the ‘Go Live’ link to start dis­play­ing your campaign. 

You can now test it by vis­it­ing your web­site while match­ing the con­di­tions you set in the dis­play rules. 

For instance, if you set the con­di­tion that a user must be vis­it­ing from a spe­cif­ic web­site, then you’ll need to vis­it your site by click­ing on a link on that refer­ral website. 

Preview your campaign

Tip: Clear your Word­Press cache and brows­er cache to make sure you don’t load a cached page. You may also want to use the Incog­ni­to mode in your brows­er to mim­ic the behav­ior of a new user. 

OptinMonster’s dis­play rules give you a lot of pow­er­ful options to show dif­fer­ent con­tent to users in Word­Press with­out mod­i­fy­ing your tem­plates and code. 

Essen­tial­ly, it lets you lever­age addi­tion­al dig­i­tal real estate on your site to increase your sales and conversions.

With their A/B test­ing tech­nol­o­gy, you can eas­i­ly test and improve your cam­paigns to dri­ve bet­ter results.

A lot of cus­tomers use Opt­in­Mon­ster along­side pow­er­ful A/B test­ing tools like Opti­mize­ly, Google Opti­mize, and more.

Method 2. Showing Different Content to Users using a Plugin

This method is rec­om­mend­ed if you want to change the entire con­tent of a post or page in Word­Press or show dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions of the same con­tent to your users. 

First, you need to install and acti­vate the If-So Dynam­ic Con­tent plu­g­in. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a Word­Press plu­g­in.

Upon acti­va­tion, you need to vis­it If-So » All Trig­gers page and click on the ‘Add New’ button. 

Create new trigger

This will bring you to the page where you can cre­ate a trig­ger and add the con­tent. First, you have a box where you can select a condition. 

Select the trigger condition

The plu­g­in offers a num­ber of con­di­tions based on time, date, URL, geo­graph­ic loca­tion, IP address, and more. 

After choos­ing the trig­ger, you can add the con­tent that you want to show to the users when that con­di­tion is matched. 

Below that, you can add anoth­er ver­sion and use anoth­er set of rules to dis­play dif­fer­ent content. 

Add default content

Last­ly, you’ll see the default con­tent area. This is the con­tent that you want to show the users who don’t qual­i­fy the con­di­tions you set above. 

Once you are fin­ished, don’t for­get to pub­lish your trig­ger and copy the short­code shown on the screen. 

Get the shortcode

You can now edit the post or page and add the short­code in your con­tent where you want to dis­play the trigger.

Adding shortcode

You can now save and pub­lish your post or page. 

After that, go ahead and vis­it your web­site to see the trig­ger in action. If you match the required con­di­tions, then you’ll see the mes­sage you set for those con­di­tions. Oth­er­wise, you’ll see the default mes­sage you added for the trigger. 

Geo targeted content in WordPress

We hope this arti­cle helped you learn how to eas­i­ly show dif­fer­ent con­tent to dif­fer­ent users in Word­Press. You may also want to see our guide on how to track con­ver­sions on your Word­Press site like a pro, and our list of the best mar­ket­ing automa­tion tools for small businesses. 

If you liked this arti­cle, then please sub­scribe to our YouTube Chan­nel for Word­Press video tuto­ri­als. You can also find us on Twit­ter and Face­book.

The post How to Show Per­son­al­ized Con­tent to Dif­fer­ent Users in Word­Press appeared first on WPBe­gin­ner.

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