How to Create a Local WordPress Site Using XAMPP

Do you want to cre­ate a local Word­Press site on your com­put­er using XAMPP? 

Installing Word­Press on your com­put­er helps you try out Word­Press, test themes and plu­g­ins, and learn Word­Press development. 

In this arti­cle, we will show you how to eas­i­ly cre­ate a local Word­Press site Using XAMPP. 

Creating local WordPress install using XAMPP

Why Create a Local WordPress Site?

Cre­at­ing local Word­Press sites is a com­mon prac­tice among devel­op­ers and site own­ers. It allows you to test Word­Press with­out cre­at­ing an actu­al web­site on the internet. 

Local web­sites are only vis­i­ble to you on your com­put­er. You can try dif­fer­ent Word­Press themes and plu­g­ins, test their fea­tures, and learn the Word­Press basics. 

If you already have a Word­Press web­site, then you can cre­ate a local copy of your web­site on your com­put­er to try out new plu­g­in updates before imple­ment­ing them on your live website. 

Impor­tant: Local web­site will only be vis­i­ble to you on your com­put­er. If you want to make a live web­site, then you’ll need a domain name and Word­Press host­ing.

Fol­low the step by step instruc­tions in our how to start a Word­Press blog guide when you are ready to cre­ate a live website. 

Hav­ing said that, let’s check out how to install Word­Press local­ly on Win­dows, Mac, or Lin­ux using XAMPP. 

What is XAMPP?

XAMPP is a soft­ware pack­age that includes all things you need to set up a local serv­er envi­ron­ment on your computer. 

In order to cre­ate a local Word­Press site, you need to set up a web serv­er soft­ware (Apache), PHP, and MySQL on your computer. 

PHP is a pro­gram­ming lan­guage and MySQL is a data­base man­age­ment soft­ware. Both of them are required to run WordPress. 

Installing each of them sep­a­rate­ly is quite dif­fi­cult for begin­ners. This is where XAMPP comes in. 

XAMPP makes it easy for you to build Word­Press web­sites local­ly. It is avail­able for Win­dows, Mac, and Lin­ux based computers. 

Let’s get start­ed by installing XAMPP and set­ting it up to run your local Word­Press site. 

Installing XAMPP on Your Computer

First, you need to vis­it the XAMPP web­site and click on the down­load but­ton for your oper­at­ing system. 

Download XAMPP to your computer

Depend­ing on your oper­at­ing sys­tem, your instal­la­tion wiz­ard and the appli­ca­tion inter­face may dif­fer from the screen­shots here. For the sake of this arti­cle, we’ll show you the Win­dows ver­sion of the software. 

After down­load­ing XAMPP, you will need to click and run the installer. 

XAMPP set up wizard

XAMPP will ask where to install the soft­ware and which pack­ages you’d like to install. The default set­tings will work for most users. Keep click­ing on the ‘Next’ but­ton to fin­ish the set­up wizard. 

After fin­ish­ing the wiz­ard, check the ‘start the con­trol pan­el now’ option and then click on the fin­ish button. 

Finish set up and launch XAMPP control panel

This will launch the XAMPP con­trol pan­el app. 

Using the XAMPP app, you can run Apache web serv­er as your local serv­er and MySQL as your data­base serv­er. Go ahead and click on the start but­ton next to both Apache and MySQL. 

Start Apache and MySQL to launch your local server

XAMPP will now start Apache and MySQL. You may see a Win­dows fire­wall noti­fi­ca­tion, it is impor­tant that you click on the ‘Allow Access’ but­ton for both appli­ca­tions to run on your computer. 

Allow firewall access to Apache and MySQL

Once both appli­ca­tions are start­ed their names will be high­light­ed in Green. 

Now you are ready to cre­ate a local web­site and install Word­Press using XAMPP. 

Creating a Local WordPress Site with XAMPP

First, you will need to down­load Word­Press. Vis­it the web­site and click on the ‘Down­load Word­Press’ button. 

Download WordPress

After down­load­ing Word­Press, you need to extract the zip file, and you will see a wordpress fold­er. You need to copy this folder.

WordPress folder

Next, head over to your XAMPP instal­la­tion folder. 

On Win­dows it would be C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs or C:/Xampp/htdocs folder. 

On Mac, it will be /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs folder. 

Paste the wordpress fold­er you copied ear­li­er inside htdocs. 

We rec­om­mend renam­ing the word­press fold­er to web­sites or any­thing else. This will help you eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy your local site. 

Rename WordPress folder

Next, you need to open your favorite web brows­er and enter the fol­low­ing URL in your browser’s address bar. 


If you renamed the Word­Press fold­er some­thing else, then replace website1 with your own fold­er name. 

This will load the Word­Press instal­la­tion wiz­ard and you’ll be asked to select a lan­guage. After select­ing a lan­guage, click on the ‘Con­tin­ue’ button. 

Select language

On the next screen, you will see a notice that Word­Press needs a data­base name, data­base user­name, pass­word, and host information. 

WordPress installation requirements

Let’s cre­ate a data­base for your Word­Press site. 

You’ll need to open a new brows­er tab and vis­it https://localhost/phpmyadmin/.

This will launch the php­MyAd­min app that comes pre-installed with XAMPP. It allows you to eas­i­ly man­age your data­bas­es using a sim­pler interface. 

You would need to click on Data­bas­es, and pro­vide a name for your new data­base. After that, click on the ‘Cre­ate’ but­ton to continue. 

Creating a database for your local WordPress site

Now that you have cre­at­ed a data­base, you can use it for your Word­Press site. 

Switch back to /localhost/website1/ brows­er tab and click on the ‘Let’s Go’ button. 

On the next screen, you will be asked to pro­vide your Word­Press data­base information. 

Enter the data­base name you cre­at­ed ear­li­er. Your user­name is ‘root’ and you should leave the pass­word field blank. For the data­base host field, you need to use localhost. 

Enter your WordPress database information

Once you are done, click on the ‘Sub­mit’ but­ton to continue. 

If you are on Win­dows or Lin­ux, Word­Press will now store these set­tings in your Word­Press con­fig­u­ra­tion file called wp-config.php file. 

How­ev­er, if you are on Mac, then it will show you the con­tents of the file and will ask you to cre­ate it. 

You will need to cre­ate this file in your website’s root folder. 

After cre­at­ing the file, paste the text you copied ear­li­er inside it. Next, you need to save the file and return back to Word­Press installer to continue. 

In the next step, Word­Press will ask you to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about your web­site. First, enter the title you want to use for this site. 

After that, you need to enter a user­name, pass­word, and email address for your admin account. 

Enter your local site information

Once you have filled all the infor­ma­tion, click on the ‘Install Word­Press’ but­ton to continue. 

Word­Press will now run the instal­la­tion and prompt you to log in once it’s done.

You can login to your web­site by going to /localhost/website1/wp-admin page and use the user­name / pass­word that you entered dur­ing instal­la­tion to login. 

WordPress login page

Things to Try After Creating a Local WordPress Site

Now that you have cre­at­ed your local Word­Press site using XAMPP, you can work on it like you would do on a live Word­Press site. 

Head over to Appear­ance menu in Word­Press admin side­bar, to cus­tomize your site’s appear­ance or install a new theme.

Here are some great free themes that you can try. 

The next thing you would want to try is Word­Press plu­g­ins.

Plu­g­ins are like apps for your Word­Press site and allow you to add cool fea­tures like con­tact form, social media but­tons, eCom­merce store, etc.

Need help installing plu­g­ins? See our step by step guide on how to install a Word­Press plu­g­in.

Bonus: Moving Local WordPress Site to Live Server

After work­ing on your local Word­Press site you may want to move it to a live serv­er to make your first Word­Press blog or website. 

To do that you’ll need a domain name and web host­ing account. Nor­mal­ly, a domain name costs $14.99 and web­site host­ing start from $7.99 per month. 

That’s too much if you are just start­ing out. 

Luck­i­ly, Blue­host is offer­ing WPBe­gin­ner users a free domain name with gen­er­ous dis­count on host­ing. Basi­cal­ly, you can get start­ed for $2.75 per month. 

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclu­sive Blue­host Offer ←

For more host­ing rec­om­men­da­tions, take a look at our com­plete Word­Press host­ing guide.

Once you have signed up for host­ing, you can fol­low our step by step guide on how to move Word­Press from local serv­er to live site.

We hope this arti­cle helped you learn how to cre­ate a local Word­Press site using XAMPP. You may also want to look at alter­nate ways to cre­ate local Word­Press sites on Win­dows using Wampserv­er, and on Mac using MAMP.

If you liked this arti­cle, then please sub­scribe to our YouTube Chan­nel for Word­Press video tuto­ri­als. You can also find us on Twit­ter and Face­book.

The post How to Cre­ate a Local Word­Press Site Using XAMPP appeared first on WPBe­gin­ner.

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