Herschel Walker says rioters should get federal time for ‘destroying lives and businesses’

“I’ve ed a lot of these beau­ti­ful cities being destroyed by peo­ple riot­ing and I saw all these local lead­ers that won’t step to the plate to pro­tect their cit­i­zens or their cit­i­zens’ busi­ness­es,” Walk­er said in a video post­ed to Twit­ter.  “So I’m going to step up to the plate and become a local leader in a sense that I want to put in a man­date that any­one arrest­ed dur­ing a riot and they’re not from that city, they don’t have a res­i­dent in that city or that town, should be arrest­ed and get fed­er­al time.” 
(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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