Great Britain announces the start of Covid-19 vaccination — today

The UK wants to start the first vac­ci­na­tions against the coro­n­avirus on Tues­day. The gov­ern­ment said that the over 80s and employ­ees of the health sys­tem as well as the staff and res­i­dents of nurs­ing homes had top pri­or­i­ty. The vac­cine from the Mainz-based com­pa­ny Bion­tech and its US part­ner Pfiz­er should first be avail­able in hos­pi­tals before sup­plies are dis­trib­uted to doc­tors’ prac­tices. It is expect­ed that around 800,000 dos­es of vac­cine will be avail­able with­in the first week.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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