Gambling and the NFL: Legalization in Colorado allowed Broncos to sign three sponsorship deals

The Bron­cos’ active on-field strat­e­gy this past off­sea­son: Acquire play­ers who can help rook­ie quar­ter­back Drew Lock, from free agent right guard Gra­ham Glas­gow and tight end Nick Van­nett to rook­ie receivers Jer­ry Jeudy and KJ Hamler.

The Bron­cos’ off-field strat­e­gy was sim­i­lar­ly busy.

Tak­ing advan­tage of sports gam­bling becom­ing legal­ized in the state of Col­orado on May 1, the Bron­cos reached spon­sor­ship deals with Fan­Du­el (June 15), Bet­fred (June 16) and Bet­MGM (July 9). The Bron­cos had three deals in the fold before anoth­er NFL team had one.

Sports gam­bling is legal in 18 states, includ­ing eight states with NFL teams: Col­orado, Illi­nois, Indi­ana, Neva­da, New Jer­sey, New York, Michi­gan and Pennsylvania.

Even dur­ing the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, Col­orado cit­i­zens are tak­ing advan­tage of the new offerings.

In May, the state’s han­dle was $25.5 mil­lion, fol­lowed by $38.1 mil­lion in June — and that was before MLB and the NHL and NBA returned to play.

“We’ve always prid­ed our­selves in being inno­va­tors and thought lead­ers and we’re excit­ed to be in the front of the line step­ping into this new space,” Bron­cos chief com­mer­cial offi­cer Mac Free­man said.

About each of the Bron­cos’ new partners …

  • Fan­Du­el: The first of the three spon­sors who signed a deal, FanDuel’s app is oper­a­tional and the com­pa­ny will have sig­nage inside and out­side the stadium.
  • Bet­fred: The com­pa­ny based in the Unit­ed King­dom recent­ly entered the Amer­i­can mar­ket­place and has opened a phys­i­cal loca­tion at the Sarato­ga Casi­no in Black Hawk. Dur­ing Bron­cos games, Bet­fred will have a hos­pi­tal­i­ty tent out­side Empow­er Field at Mile High.
  • Bet­MGM: A key point of the Bet­MGM-Bron­cos deal is the NFL’s first in-sta­di­um bet­ting lounge, which was con­struct­ed out­side Sec­tions 111–112. Bet­MGM will also offer the “First Pos­ses­sion Pay­off Game,” and have hos­pi­tal­i­ty offers in con­junc­tion with MGM Resorts.

“We ben­e­fit­ed from tim­ing and Col­orado was an ear­ly-mover as a state,” Free­man said. “We were on top of the top­ic and engag­ing with a lot of folks that were in the space. When Col­orado went live (on May 1), we were in posi­tion to have an idea of what we want­ed to do and what we were look­ing for.”

A bet­tors’ mobile device uses geolo­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy to ver­i­fy the per­son is with­in Col­orado before per­mit­ting a wager.

The wheels for the NFL’s entrance to this are­na began turn­ing in 2018, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the fed­er­al ban on state autho­riza­tion of sports gambling.

“I think there’s a gen­er­al accep­tance that (gam­bling) is part of the every­day enter­tain­ment val­ue that you get in pro sports,” Bron­cos president/CEO Joe Ellis said. “We have good pro­ce­dures in place as a league to ensure the fans that the games are played prop­er­ly and with­out any skullduggery.

“It’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to (reach) a lot of fans in a dif­fer­ent way that we haven’t had in the past.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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