Formula 1 — Much trouble after the qualification chaos Vettel rages, the “Iceman” freaks out

fight for the starting line-up
fight for the start­ing line-up
The fight for the start­ing line-up for the Ital­ian Grand Prix ends for Fer­rari again with a dis­as­ter, Sebas­t­ian Vet­tel sees those respon­si­ble in the Fer­rari com­mand post. But the con­di­tions in the first sec­tion of qual­i­fy­ing cause a lot of trou­ble for oth­ers too. Sebas­t­ian Vettel’s curs­ing on a For­mu­la 1 week­end has long been rou­tine in this frus­trat­ing dis­as­ter sea­son for the Fer­rari dri­ver. At the home race of the Scud­e­ria in Mon­za, the four-time world cham­pi­on once again wrote neg­a­tive head­lines: For the first time since 1966, a Fer­rari dri­ver in the Auto­dro­mo in the Roy­al Park of Mon­za was not among the first 15 dri­vers on the grid. Vet­tel was only 17th in qual­i­fy­ing for the race on Sun­day (3:10 p.m. live on RTL and in the live tick­er on — and thus fourth from last. The Hep­pen­heimer saw the rea­sons for this new, next deba­cle at the com­mand post. “It was­n’t timed well by us, there were too many cars on the track at the same time,” said the 33-year-old, crit­i­ciz­ing his end after the first knock­out lap when he was stuck in a traf­fic jam on what was sup­posed to be his fastest lap. For the fifth time this sea­son he was elim­i­nat­ed ear­ly in the qual­i­fi­ca­tion. Once again, the Fer­rari com­mand post was strate­gi­cal­ly wrong.

Vet­tel on failed qual­i­fy­ing “will be dif­fi­cult to make up ground”

“You can’t do much in the mid­dle of pack­ing. It was a bit pre­dictable that there would be stress­ful sit­u­a­tions at the end,” said Vet­tel. First he got stuck behind a Williams before the Alfa Romeo dri­vers caused trou­ble at slip­stream pok­er on the high-speed course. “There were too many cars in the same place. Every­one want­ed to over­take, it came to chaos,” said Vet­tel on Sky about his indis­putable 17th place — and imme­di­ate­ly explained what his com­mand cen­ter should have ordered: “Just dri­ve out lat­er! The plan was a clean lap. That did­n’t work. ” The dilem­ma: With­out a slip­stream it is hard­ly pos­si­ble to get a front start­ing posi­tion on the high-speed track, a lap in the suc­tion of anoth­er car can bring a time advan­tage of up to 0.7 sec­onds. Look­ing at his hopes for the Ital­ian Grand Prix, the Hep­pen­heimer said only: “Tomor­row is a new day.” While Vet­tel com­ment­ed on each new low blow in a some­what com­posed man­ner, a for­mer Fer­rari dri­ver was still real­ly angry — and sent clear words over the pit radio. They first had to be cen­sored by the inter­na­tion­al direc­tor before they could go out into the world via the broad­cast­ers. Alfa Romeo dri­ver Kimi Raikko­nen, actu­al­ly known as “Ice­man”, was stuck on his fast lap behind Renault dri­ver Este­ban Ocon at the end of the first qual­i­fy­ing sec­tion — and was blocked by the French so obtru­sive­ly that the 2007 world cham­pi­on freaked out: “This ***. He blocks me all the time, this idiot. And that on a fast lap. ***”, Raikkö­nen radioed to the pits. The sit­u­a­tion final­ly got so pre­car­i­ous that Ocon was called in by the stew­ards imme­di­ate­ly after qual­i­fy­ing. Regard­less of this bat­tle, both man­aged what Fer­rari prob­lem child Vet­tel was denied: Both made it into Q2, Raikkö­nen final­ly 14th, Ocon 12th.

“What the hell are we doing?”

The source of Raikkonen’s anger was the huge traf­fic jam that arose in the last min­utes of the first sec­tion: “I don’t want to blame any­one here, but every­one is in the same boat. I have no idea why each team sends their cars out at the same time . Because you can imag­ine exact­ly what will hap­pen, “sum­ma­rized Williams dri­ver George Rus­sell, which had also pissed off Vet­tel. The Eng­lish­man brought the sit­u­a­tion against his own team: “Shit, peo­ple, what the hell are we doing? We should actu­al­ly ben­e­fit from such shit and not be in the mid­dle,” he grum­bled at the Sky micro­phone. “We’re the slow­est team on the track and we need extreme con­di­tions to give us a chance. Today there was one of those extreme chances and we were right in the mid­dle of it.” Fer­rari, the most col­or­ful For­mu­la 1 team of all, and the back­benchers of Williams share the same prob­lems. Nobody had sus­pect­ed that before the sea­son started.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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