EU is expanding reserve of protective masks

With a view to the increas­ing coro­na num­bers in Europe, the Euro­pean Union is con­tin­u­ing to build up com­mon reserves of med­ical pro­tec­tive masks. After Ger­many and Roma­nia, Den­mark, Greece, Hun­gary and Swe­den have now also agreed to set up depots on behalf of all EU coun­tries, said EU Com­mis­sion­er Janez Lenar­cic. The con­struc­tion of the joint reserve began in the spring when many coun­tries had far too lit­tle pro­tec­tive equip­ment for doc­tors and nurs­es. From this reserve 520,000 med­ical FFP2 and FFP3 masks have now been dis­trib­uted to the EU states Italy, Spain, Croa­t­ia and Lithua­nia as well as to the neigh­bors of North Mace­do­nia, Mon­tene­gro and Ser­bia, said Lenar­cic. The stocks are financed from the EU’s Com­mu­ni­ty bud­get. Indi­vid­ual EU states pur­chase the mate­r­i­al and store it. In an emer­gency, it will be dis­trib­uted as needed.

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