Colorado high school fall football: Jeffco, Cherry Creek among majority of school districts opting into season

Col­orado high school foot­ball teams can begin prac­tice next week, with a major­i­ty of teams across the state expect­ed to com­pete this fall.

Jef­f­co and Cher­ry Creek were the first school dis­tricts that con­firmed to The Den­ver Post on Thurs­day of their intent to play autumn foot­ball after the Col­orado High School Activ­i­ties Asso­ci­a­tion and Gov. Jared Polis reversed course Wednes­day night to autho­rize a fall sea­son.

Adam Bright, CHSAA assis­tant com­mis­sion­er, said mem­ber schools received a sur­vey with a Mon­day dead­line to decide whether to play in the spring, as ini­tial­ly planned in response to the pan­dem­ic, or with the new­ly approved fall time­line. Den­ver Pub­lic Schools was the first dis­trict to announce it will play foot­ball in the spring.

How­ev­er, Bright said ear­ly esti­ma­tions are that 75 to 80 per­cent of Col­orado high school foot­ball teams will play in the fall, includ­ing the 2019 Class 5A cham­pi­on Cher­ry Creek Bru­ins. Teams are per­mit­ted to begin prac­tice Sept. 24 with games start­ing the sec­ond week of Octo­ber. The sea­son will be six games long with only eight schools from each clas­si­fi­ca­tion reach­ing the playoffs.

“We are plan­ning on play­ing in Sea­son A with all of our schools this fall,” CCHS ath­let­ic direc­tor Lar­ry Bull told The Post. “Schools and dis­tricts are in very dif­fer­ent spots. Some are going to be ready, some are not, and we all need to respect what­ev­er deci­sion peo­ple make.”

Cher­ry Creek’s fall foot­ball deci­sion arrived just one day after a coro­n­avirus out­break at the high school forced 146 stu­dents and 14 staff mem­bers into a week-long quar­an­tine. It high­lights the poten­tial risk for game can­cel­la­tions should oth­er schools endure sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tions dur­ing the sea­son. Games unable to be played due to pan­dem­ic con­cerns will not be rescheduled.

(Pho­to by Tim­o­thy Nwachukwu/Special to the Den­ver Post)

Cher­ry Creek Bru­ins head coach Dave Logan speaks to play­ers after defeat­ing the Grand­view Wolves 44–21 at Stut­ler Bowl on Nov. 1, 2019 in Green­wood Village.

Jim Thy­fault, Jef­f­co Pub­lic Schools’ exec­u­tive direc­tor of ath­let­ics, said most of the 18 high schools in his dis­trict will com­pete this fall, with some small­er-divi­sion pro­grams still weigh­ing their options. If a Jef­f­co school suf­fers a coro­n­avirus out­break, though, it won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly lead to can­cel­la­tion of foot­ball games.

“You could have a whole school on remote learn­ing but you might only have 10 or 15 kids that are quar­an­tined,” Thy­fault said. “So, just because you’re remote doesn’t mean you can’t prac­tice and play. It just real­ly affects those kids who are under the quar­an­tine. That’s going to be some­thing we have to balance.”

As of late Thurs­day, a com­bined 32 states had already start­ed their high school foot­ball sea­sons or made plans to begin this fall, accord­ing to Thy­fault expects the Col­orado prep foot­ball path for­ward to be unpre­dictable with schools adapt­ing to pub­lic health guide­lines almost cer­tain to evolve.

“The next few months are going to be real­ly ner­vous,” Thy­fault said. “But schools around the state are doing their best to look out for the safe­ty of the kids. We’re all in this together.

“The kids are going to be excit­ed to final­ly get to play again. We real­ly feel like we’re in a good place. If we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play now, we should prob­a­bly take that, because we don’t know what March or April will bring at this point.”


What you need to know about CHSAA’s deci­sion to allow Col­orado high schools to play in either a fall or spring foot­ball sea­son in 2020–21.

— Teams can only play in one sea­son, which will be struc­tured with the same sched­ule for­mat. A dif­fer­ent cham­pi­on will be crowned in the fall and spring.

— Schools will play a six-game reg­u­lar-sea­son sched­ule with eight teams mak­ing the play­offs in each class. Teams that don’t reach the post­sea­son will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to play a sev­enth game against anoth­er non-qual­i­fi­er in either Week 1 or Week 2 of the play­offs. Teams must play at least four games in order to qual­i­fy for the postseason.

— The play­off order will be decid­ed by the CHSAA Seed­ing Index (RPI, Max­Preps, CHSAANow coach­es poll and Packard rankings).

— Leagues might poten­tial­ly be redrawn to accom­mo­date for teams opt­ing for the spring to give each team six opponents.

Key dates

Fall sea­son

  • Sept. 24 — Start of practice
  • Oct. 8 — First game
  • Nov. 21 — First round of the postseason
  • Nov. 28 — Semifinals
  • Dec. 5 — Championships

Spring sea­son

  • Feb. 25 — Start of practice
  • March 11 — First game
  • April 24 — First round of the postseason
  • May 1 — Semifinals
  • May 8 — Championships

*Infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by

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