Chicago Bears’ season ticket prices will increase by 6% next season at Soldier Field. Here’s why.

The price of Chica­go Bears’ sea­son tick­ets will increase by 6% for the 2022 sea­son because of the addi­tion of a reg­u­lar-sea­son home game.

The Bears sent an email to sea­son-tick­et hold­ers Mon­day explain­ing the increase, which comes after the NFL’s move to a 17-game sea­son in 2021.

There will be 10 home games at Sol­dier Field this year — one pre­sea­son game and, for the first time in team his­to­ry, nine reg­u­lar-sea­son games. Teams will fluc­tu­ate between eight and nine reg­u­lar-sea­son home games every year, and two and one pre­sea­son games. The NFC hosts the extra reg­u­lar-sea­son game this season.

The Bears thanked fans for their pas­sion and loy­al­ty and pro­mot­ed their new lead­er­ship to begin the email.

“A new era of Chica­go Bears foot­ball is here under the lead­er­ship of gen­er­al man­ag­er Ryan Poles and head coach Matt Eber­flus and prepa­ra­tions are under­way for an excit­ing 2022 sea­son,” the email said.

The Bears will host the Detroit Lions, Green Bay Pack­ers, Min­neso­ta Vikings, Buf­fa­lo Bills, Hous­ton Tex­ans, Mia­mi Dol­phins, Philadel­phia Eagles, Wash­ing­ton Com­man­ders and San Fran­cis­co 49ers this year.

They will play on the road at the Lions, Pack­ers, Vikings, Atlanta Fal­cons, Dal­las Cow­boys, New Eng­land Patri­ots, New York Giants and New York Jets.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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