Big Ten presidents to discuss starting football, AP source says

Big Ten uni­ver­si­ty pres­i­dents will meet Sun­day to hear a pre­sen­ta­tion about play­ing a fall foot­ball sea­son after all — maybe as soon as late Octo­ber — amid pres­sure from par­ents, play­ers, coach­es and even the pres­i­dent to kick off.

A per­son with direct knowl­edge of the sit­u­a­tion told The Asso­ci­at­ed Press the Big Ten’s Return to Com­pe­ti­tion Task Force met Sat­ur­day. The med­ical sub­com­mit­tee, com­prised of ath­let­ic direc­tors, doc­tors and ath­let­ic train­ing staffers, made a pre­sen­ta­tion to a sub­group of pres­i­dents and chan­cel­lors. The pre­sen­ta­tion includ­ed improve­ments in the avail­abil­i­ty of rapid, dai­ly COVID-19 testing.

The per­son, speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty because the Big Ten was not plan­ning to make any announce­ments about its efforts to return to play, said it was a “pos­i­tive meet­ing” that led to the sched­ul­ing of a pre­sen­ta­tion to the full group of pres­i­dents and chan­cel­lors Sunday.

The pre­sen­ta­tion with include, med­ical, tele­vi­sion and sched­ul­ing for foot­ball, the per­son said. A vote to start a sea­son is not guar­an­teed to be con­duct­ed Sun­day but could hap­pen in the com­ing days.

The news was first report­ed by Yahoo! Sports

The Big Ten post­poned its fall sea­son Aug. 11 because of con­cerns about play­ing through the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, with pres­i­dents and chan­cel­lors vot­ing 11–3 in favor. Ohio State, Iowa and Nebras­ka vot­ed against postponement.

The con­fer­ence and first-year Com­mis­sion­er Kevin War­ren has faced push back from inside and out ever since. Par­ents of demon­strat­ed on cam­pus­es and in front of the Big Ten offices out­side Chica­go. A group of Nebras­ka play­ers have filed a law­suit against the con­fer­ence to over­turn the deci­sion not to play.

Ohio State coach Ryan Day released a state­ment Thurs­day ask­ing the con­fer­ence to pro­vide more clar­i­ty about its deci­sion to post­pone and Penn State coach James Franklin made sim­i­lar state­ments in a radio interview.

Day’s Buck­eyes were No. 2 in the AP pre­sea­son Top 25. Franklin’s Nit­tany Lions were No. 7.

On the first Sat­ur­day of the foot­ball sea­son that includ­ed Pow­er Five teams play­ing, Big Ten teams were idle while ath­let­ic direc­tors and uni­ver­si­ty lead­ers were work­ing on ways to pos­si­bly sal­vage a fall foot­ball season.

If things move quick­ly, the Big Ten could start a sea­son in about a month, and maybe still com­pete for a spot in the Col­lege Foot­ball Play­off. While some Big 12 and Atlantic Coast Con­fer­ence teams began their sea­sons Sat­ur­day, and more will next week, the South­east­ern Con­fer­ence is not sched­uled to kick off until Sept. 26.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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