Belarusian opposition activist Maria Kolesnikova ’seized by unidentified people’ in Minsk

Belarusian opposition activist Maria Kolesnikova 'seized by unidentified people' in MinskThe only mem­ber of an oppo­si­tion-lead­ing “troi­ka” of women to remain in Belarus amid a crack­down by author­i­ties was on Mon­day abduct­ed from the streets of Min­sk, local media report­ed. Maria Kolesniko­va is part of the team that spear­head­ed efforts to oust long­time dic­ta­tor Alexan­der Lukashenko in an elec­tion last month. An eye­wit­ness told the inde­pen­dent Belaru­sian news site she had seen Ms Kolesniko­va walk­ing in cen­tral Min­sk on Mon­day morn­ing. “I walked ahead and heard the sound of a phone falling on the pave­ment and some kind of com­mo­tion. I turned around and saw peo­ple in masks and civil­ian clothes were push­ing Maria into a minibus,” they said. Calls to Ms Kolesniko­va from the Tele­graph went unan­swered on Mon­day. Her team said their lawyers were work­ing to ascer­tain her where­abouts. Belaru­sian police said they were “clar­i­fy­ing infor­ma­tion” about the alleged abduc­tion. Mr Lukashenko claimed vic­to­ry in the rigged August 9 vote and police launched a bru­tal crack­down on the hun­dreds of thou­sands of Belaru­sians who came out to protest. Videos on social media have shown sim­i­lar abduc­tions of demon­stra­tors into unmarked vehi­cles in the weeks since the election.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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