All Colorado voters will be able to track their ballots in fall election

Col­orado vot­ers will have a new tool this fall to ensure their bal­lot is counted.

A few coun­ties across the state have been allow­ing vot­ers to track the life of their bal­lots, and begin­ning with the upcom­ing elec­tion vot­ers in all of Colorado’s 64 coun­ties will be able to use that same sys­tem, Sec­re­tary of State Jena Gris­wold told The Den­ver Post. Reg­is­tered vot­ers with an email address on file will auto­mat­i­cal­ly receive noti­fi­ca­tion in the com­ing weeks of their ballot’s progress on its way to them. Oth­ers can opt in at and sign up for email, text or voice­mail notifications.

“If you can order a piz­za and see it as it’s being deliv­ered, we think we should be able to offer the same ser­vice with vot­ing,” Gris­wold said.

Coun­ty clerks will mail bal­lots to vot­ers across the state begin­ning Oct. 9, and that’s when the sys­tem will kick in.

“You’ll be able to see when the bal­lot pack­ets are deliv­ered to the Postal Ser­vice for mail­ing, when the coun­ty receives your vot­ed bal­lot, when your bal­lot is ver­i­fied in the sys­tem and accept­ed,” Gris­wold said.

It’s a sim­ple enough sys­tem, Gris­wold said, and easy to expand statewide because a dozen coun­ties were already using it.

The only out­lier is Den­ver, which uses a dif­fer­ent trac­ing sys­tem called Bal­lot TRACE. It was the first of its kind in the coun­try when it launched in 2010, said Den­ver elec­tions spokesper­son Alton Dil­lard. Den­ver will con­tin­ue to use that track­ing sys­tem, and its vot­ers can sign up for noti­fi­ca­tions at

The com­pa­ny behind the statewide track­ing sys­tem is the Den­ver-based Bal­lot­Trax and launch­ing it cost $70,000, paid for from a 2018 fed­er­al elec­tion secu­ri­ty grant, said Steve Hurl­bert, a spokesper­son for Griswold.

Talks were already under­way to expand the sys­tem statewide before Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump began say­ing that mail-in vot­ing would result in mas­sive fraud. It’s a hap­py acci­dent, Gris­wold said, that the under­tak­ing should also boost vot­er con­fi­dence in what is already con­sid­ered the coun­try safest elec­tion sys­tem.

“It gives an added sense of secu­ri­ty,” Gris­wold said. “There’s a lot of mis­in­for­ma­tion swirling around about elec­tions, espe­cial­ly from the president.”

Bal­lot­Trax has been a huge suc­cess for vot­ers in Boul­der Coun­ty since about 2015, said Clerk Mol­ly Fitz­patrick,. They take com­fort know­ing they’ll receive a noti­fi­ca­tion as soon as their bal­lot is accept­ed and count­ed by the clerk’s office and in know­ing they’ll have a chance to rec­ti­fy any dis­crep­an­cies flagged by elec­tion officials.

“That infor­ma­tion can be made avail­able to vot­ers in real time and in a self-ser­vice auto­mat­ed type of way,” Fitz­patrick said. “It’s real­ly nice.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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