14 Best AI Chatbots Software for Your Website (Compared)

Are you look­ing for the best chat­bot soft­ware for your site? 

Chat­bots allow you to free up time by auto­mat­i­cal­ly answer­ing com­mon cus­tomer ques­tions. They can also be used to gen­er­ate leads, improve user expe­ri­ence, and make more sales. 

In this arti­cle, we have hand­picked the best AI chat­bots soft­ware for your Word­Press site to improve cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and boost conversions. 

The best AI chatbots software for WordPress

1. ChatBot.com

The ChatBot website

Chat­Bot allows you to eas­i­ly make chat­bots using their drag and drop chat­bot builder. You don’t need to do any cod­ing or have any spe­cial tech­ni­cal skills. 

It even comes with pre-built tem­plates that you can use as a start­ing point to quick­ly get your AI Chat­Bot up and run­ning. These tem­plates include dif­fer­ent sce­nar­ios like sell­ing prod­ucts, cus­tomer ser­vice, recruit­ment, book­ings, and more. 

Chat­Bot inte­grates with your Word­Press web­site and can be used along with top live chat soft­ware well as oth­er pop­u­lar apps that you may be using to grow your business. 

Chat­Bot is also a great chat­bot for Face­book mes­sen­ger pow­ered by the same AI-dri­ven soft­ware. This gives you a pow­er­ful tool to retar­get cus­tomers on Face­book, col­lect data, and spend mon­ey wise­ly on Face­book ads. 

They offer a free 14-day tri­al (no cred­it card required) which helps you try it out before choos­ing a paid plan. 

Inte­grat­ing Chat­Bot with­in our own busi­ness­es is a big pri­or­i­ty for us cur­rent­ly. Chat­Bot is a great tool for us because it lets us seam­less­ly for­ward users to our live sup­port teams where needed.

Pric­ing: Chat­Bot costs from $50 per month, which includes 1 active chat­bot and 1000 chats per month.

2. ManyChat

The ManyChat website

Many­Chat is a Face­book mes­sen­ger chat­bot builder. With more than 1.3 Bil­lion peo­ple using Face­book Mes­sen­ger, it allows you to have a wider reach and more pow­er­ful retar­get­ing options on the Face­book platform. 

In sim­pler words, it helps you make sales, decrease cart aban­don­ment, cap­ture leads, and more by using Face­book Messenger. 

It comes with a sim­ple drag and drop inter­face which makes it super easy to set up a chat­bot for your Face­book page. You can auto­mat­i­cal­ly wel­come new users, point them to prod­ucts, sched­ule mes­sages, respond to spe­cif­ic key­words, and much more.

Pric­ing: Many­Chat has a free plan that you can use to get start­ed. This includes basic quick-start tem­plates, 2 drip sequences, and up to 10 tags for audi­ence seg­men­ta­tion. The pre­mi­um plan has unlim­it­ed drip sequences and tags, plus split test­ing, buy but­tons, and more.

3. Freshchat

The Freshchat website

Freshchat allows you to build chat­bots for What­sApp, Mes­sen­ger, Apple Busi­ness Chat, mobile, and web. 

It is pow­ered by Fred­dy, their arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence algo­rithm. It is designed to detect intent and engage with the cus­tomer, rather than sim­ply being intend­ed to free up the time of your live chat agents.

Using their machine learn­ing tech­nol­o­gy, Freshchat can even pro­vide you with a list of cus­tomer and prospect ques­tions that need pre­cise or bet­ter answers.

Pric­ing: You will need Freshchat’s ‘For­est’ plan for enter­pris­es to use their chat­bot. This isn’t cheap, at $69 per user per month when billed monthly.

4. Drift

The Drift website

Drift lets you com­bine live chat and an auto­mat­ed chat­bot, like many of the tools on this list. It also inte­grates with the most pop­u­lar CRMs and email mar­ket­ing ser­vices.

Drift allows you to proac­tive­ly start con­ver­sa­tions with cus­tomers that are already engaged with the prod­ucts or ser­vices on your web­site. It is designed to use con­ver­sa­tions for con­ver­sions and allows you to cre­ate sce­nar­ios that help you get more sales. 

It offers inte­gra­tions with many third-par­ty tools such as Zen­desk, Help Scout, and more.

Drift is more suit­able for fair­ly large busi­ness­es, and the pric­ing reflects that. If you’re just start­ing to make mon­ey online, we rec­om­mend that you try one of the oth­er tools on our list. 

Pric­ing: Drift costs from $400/month billed annu­al­ly. This includes 5 users. (There is a free plan avail­able too, but that doesn’t have the chat­bot features.)

5. Chatfuel

The Chatfuel website

Chat­fu­el is a pow­er­ful chat­bot plat­form for Mes­sen­ger, Face­book, and Insta­gram. You don’t need any cod­ing knowl­edge or pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence to use it.

Lots of dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies use Chat­fu­el, includ­ing large brands like Adi­das, T‑Mobile, LEGO, TechCrunch, and more.

You can use your bot to increase sales, to qual­i­fy leads, or to pro­vide answers to fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions. This lets you save a lot of time for your cus­tomer ser­vice team.

There is plen­ty of doc­u­men­ta­tion on the Chat­fu­el web­site to help you build a bot eas­i­ly. This includes advice on how to make sure you fol­low Facebook’s rules for using a Mes­sen­ger bot.

Pric­ing: Chat­fu­el costs from $15/month, with no user lim­it. There’s also a free plan that offers a ful­ly-fea­tured bot and up to 50 users. 

6. MobileMonkey

The MobileMonkey website

Mobile­Mon­key lets you cre­ate bots using their OmniChat™ tech­nol­o­gy. These bots work in web chat, in Mes­sen­ger, and even through SMS text mes­sages.

This saves you time and mon­ey cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent bots using dif­fer­ent tools. You can cre­ate a sin­gle bot and use it across mul­ti­ple platforms.

Your cus­tomer ser­vice team can eas­i­ly respond to mes­sages. Mobile­Mon­key has desk­top and mobile apps that give you a sin­gle inbox to eas­i­ly mon­i­tor and respond to mes­sages from dif­fer­ent channels.

It also offers inte­gra­tions with third-par­ty soft­ware that you may already be using such as CRM soft­ware, email mar­ket­ing ser­vice, webi­nar provider, and more.

Pric­ing: Mobile­Mon­key costs from $14.25/month, billed annu­al­ly, for an unlim­it­ed num­ber of leads. There’s also a free ver­sion with unlim­it­ed leads but few­er features.

7. Tars

The Tars website

Tars is a tool that lets you cre­ate con­ver­sa­tion­al land­ing pages. Essen­tial­ly, this means replac­ing a tra­di­tion­al land­ing page with a chatbot. 

It lets you eas­i­ly qual­i­fy leads. Tars is par­tic­u­lar­ly well opti­mized for mobile users, pro­vid­ing a nat­ur­al and easy chat­bot conversation. 

Mak­ing a chat­bot is quite straight for­ward using Tars. You can either cre­ate a con­ver­sa­tion work­flow from scratch, or you can use a pre-built template.

Pric­ing: Tars costs from $83.25/month, billed annu­al­ly. There’s no free plan, but you can take a free 14-day tri­al (no cred­it card required).

8. Tidio


Tidio is a live chat plat­form pow­ered by chat­bots. It allows you to com­mu­ni­cate your clients by using web and mobile friend­ly chat­bot, Face­book Mes­sen­ger chat­bot, and more. 

It comes with an easy dash­board and a mobile app to answer all user inquires at any time from any­where. You can also use automa­tion as much as you like to answer cus­tomer ques­tions and design fun­nels that lead to conversions. 

You can use a chat­bot tem­plate or cre­ate your own chat­bot sce­nar­ios based on key­words and cus­tomer behav­ior on your site. It is easy to use and inte­grate with your eCom­merce plat­form, email mar­ket­ing, and help desk software. 

Pric­ing: Start­ing from $18 per month. They have a free plan too but it does not include chatbots. 

9. Zendesk Chat

The Zendesk Chat website

Zen­desk Chat is part of Zen­desk, a pop­u­lar cus­tomer sup­port plat­form for busi­ness­es. It has fea­tures that let you han­dle sup­port tick­ets, chat live with your cus­tomers, and more.

You can use auto­mat­ed mes­sages with­in Zen­desk Chat, such as trig­ger­ing mes­sages based on what your cus­tomers are doing. You can also opti­mize your mes­sages by test­ing which ones have a high engage­ment rate.

You can even inte­grate it with oth­er chat­bot tools if you want more advanced chat­bot features. 

Pric­ing: Zen­desk Chat costs from $14 per agent per month, when billed annu­al­ly. You can take a 14 day free tri­al (no cred­it card details need­ed). There’s also a free Lite ver­sion, which only lets you have 1 agent and 1 chat at a time.

10. Quriobot

The Quriobot website

Quri­obot is a sim­ple chat­bot that has a free plan, mak­ing it a good option for small com­pa­nies on a tight budget.

Like oth­er chat­bot soft­ware, it has a sim­ple drag and drop inter­face. You can either build con­ver­sa­tions from scratch or use one of the avail­able tem­plates. You can also cre­ate sev­er­al bots at once.

You can adjust Quriobot’s styling to fit your website’s col­or scheme and you can even add cus­tom CSS if you want to.

Quri­obot inte­grates with help desk soft­ware such as LiveAgent, if you want a com­plete solu­tion that gives you a sup­port desk, live chat, and more.

Pric­ing: Quri­obot has a gen­er­ous free plan that allows you up to 500 chats per month, with unlim­it­ed bots and orga­ni­za­tion mem­bers. If you want more chats per month, or if you want to remove the Quri­obot brand­ing, you need to pay from €9/month. (Quriobot’s pric­ing is in Euros.)

11. Intercom

The Intercom website

Inter­com is a flex­i­ble tool that can be used as a chat­bot or for live chat with an agent. You can use it to auto­mate your mar­ket­ing and to engage users.

Intercom’s whole approach is designed to be con­ver­sa­tion­al, to help you build rela­tion­ships. It’s easy to scale as your busi­ness grows, too.

With Inter­com, you can per­son­al­ize your chatbot’s inter­ac­tions with cus­tomers. You can fil­ter and tar­get cus­tomers based on what they do (or don’t do) and you can group them into seg­ments based on their attrib­ut­es and behavior.

Inter­com inte­grates with email mar­ket­ing ser­vices, Slack, Google Ana­lyt­ics, CRM soft­ware, and more.

Pric­ing: Intercom’s Start pack­age costs from $39/month. How­ev­er, to use the chat­bot fea­tures, you need at least the Growth plan from $99/month. You can take a free 14 day tri­al of either of these plans (cred­it card details are required).

12. SnapEngage

The SnapEngage website

SnapEn­gage is designed to help you with both sales and sup­port. You can use it on your Word­Press site. It also inte­grates with Face­book Mes­sen­ger, and oth­er pop­u­lar software.

It comes with ready-to-use bots, such as the Info-Cap­ture and the Answer Bot. You can also cre­ate cus­tom bots using the cus­tom bot API. 

If you run a health­care site, then SnapEn­gage offers ‘Health Engage’ to pro­vide secure, HIPAA-com­pli­ant chat­bots, live chat, and SMS mes­sag­ing.

Pric­ing: SnapEn­gage costs from $16 per user per month (with a min­i­mum of 3 users), billed annu­al­ly. Their HealthEn­gage option costs from $26 per user per month, again with a min­i­mum of 3 users.

13. LivePerson

The LivePerson website

LivePer­son offers live chat soft­ware, as you might expect from their name. You can also use it to cre­ate auto­mat­ed con­ver­sa­tion flows using a chatbot. 

Your chat­bots can con­nect poten­tial buy­ers to a live agent, send offers based on the customer’s inter­ests, and even sched­ule appoint­ments or meet­ings. Cus­tomers can also check on their order sta­tus, find out their account bal­ance, and get answers to billing or pay­ment questions.

As well as inte­grat­ing with your Word­Press site, LivePer­son can be used on Face­book, Twit­ter, and more. 

Pric­ing: LivePer­son doesn’t pro­vide a stan­dard scale of prices. Instead, you need to con­tact them for a quote.

14. Ada

The Ada website

Ada is a chat­bot that can tai­lor its respons­es and rec­om­men­da­tions based on the customer’s infor­ma­tion, intent, and inter­ests. It’s designed to be sim­ple to use, so that your sup­port team can set every­thing up. There’s no cod­ing involved. 

You can also inte­grate Ada with your live chat so that cus­tomers can move seam­less­ly from the chat­bot to a live agent. It also inte­grates with your team cal­en­dar to sched­ule appoint­ments and bookings. 

Pric­ing: Ada doesn’t pro­vide prices upfront. Instead, you need to chat with the sales team or request a demo to find out how much it will cost you.

Our Pick: Best Chatbot Software

For most busi­ness­es, we rec­om­mend ChatBot.com as the best AI chat­bot soft­ware because it’s easy to use and comes with pre-made workflows.

They also offer many built-in inte­gra­tions with third-par­ty mar­ket­ing ser­vices, and the pric­ing is fair­ly afford­able com­pared to oth­er solutions.

If you’re look­ing for alter­na­tives, then please take a look at FreshChat or Drift.

We hope this arti­cle helped you learn about the best AI chat­bots soft­ware for your Word­Press site. You might also want to take a look at our guides to the best live chat soft­ware and best busi­ness phone ser­vices for small businesses.

If you liked this arti­cle, then please sub­scribe to our YouTube Chan­nel for Word­Press video tuto­ri­als. You can also find us on Twit­ter and Face­book.

The post 14 Best AI Chat­bots Soft­ware for Your Web­site (Com­pared) appeared first on WPBe­gin­ner.

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