Oslo Shooting Is Being Investigated as Terrorism, Police Say
The attack, which killed two people and seriously wounded 10 others near a gay club in Oslo, came hours before the city’s Pride parade, which has now been canceled.
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The attack, which killed two people and seriously wounded 10 others near a gay club in Oslo, came hours before the city’s Pride parade, which has now been canceled.
The testimony emerged in pretrial hearings in the Cole bombing case at Guantánamo Bay, where the war court is wrestling with the legacy of torture after 9/11. Tags: design TT Modellbahn TT H0 N schalten […]
A group of Republicans and Democrats have begun an urgent set of talks aimed at reaching an elusive compromise on new gun laws. After a decade of failure, can this time be different?
This year, one of the last fugitives of the Earth Liberation Front pleaded guilty to arson — at a moment when climate activists are again flirting with radical ideas.
A rash of terrorist attacks has spawned criticism of the government from the left and right, and for opposite reasons. But the coalition’s diversity has constrained its options.
The unusually brazen attack in Hadera, a city on the Mediterranean coast, came as four Arab foreign ministers arrived for an unprecedented summit that shows Israel’s growing role in the Middle East
Mohammed al-Qahtani had spent 20 years at Guantánamo Bay, where he was tortured so badly that he was ineligible to be tried at the war crimes court.
Families living on the outskirts of Atmeh, Syria, said the U.S. raid that killed the ISIS leader made for a night of fear.
Before five men stand trial in March, prosecutors and defense lawyers are examining more than 1,000 hours of secretly recorded conversations.
Gulbar Akram described his brother, Faisal, who was holding four hostages in a Texas synagogue on Saturday, as deeply troubled. He said he worked with police to try to “talk him down.’’
As a gunman ranted, the hostages whispered instructions and edged closer to the door. The rabbi credited security training for their safe exit.
Aafia Siddiqui has spent almost 12 years in a U.S. federal prison after being convicted of trying to kill American soldiers and plotting to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
The family of a British man who took four hostages during the standoff at Congregation Beth Israel described him as deeply troubled.
A 15-year-old accused of killing four of his classmates and wounding seven other people had described wanting to attack the school in cellphone videos and a journal, the authorities said.
Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe hat erstmals einen Hitze-Check für Städte mit 50.000 Einwohnern erstellt. Aus Sachsen sind sechs Städte dabei, darunter Görlitz.
Im Moselort Kröv sind Teile eines Hotels eingestürzt. Unter den Trümmern könnten sich nach Polizeiangaben neun Menschen befinden.
Kurz nachdem Donald Trump bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania auf die Bühne tritt, fallen mehrere Schüsse. Für das FBI steht kurz darauf fest: Es war ein Mordversuch gegen den Ex-Präsidenten. Noch sei der Schütze […]
Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung wird Trump durch Schüsse am Ohr verletzt. “Ich wusste sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte”, schreibt er anschließend auf Truth Social. Er habe sofort gespürt, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte. […]
LATHAM–Major General Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York, presents the Bronze Star Medal with V device to retired Master Sgt. Luis Barsallo during a ceremony at New York Division of Military and Naval […]
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