Word of Trump Media Deal Is Said to Have Leaked Months in Advance
Federal authorities are investigating a surge in trading that preceded the announcement of a $300 million deal with the former president’s media company.
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Federal authorities are investigating a surge in trading that preceded the announcement of a $300 million deal with the former president’s media company.
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The question of whether Elon Musk must buy Twitter, as he agreed to do in April, is headed to a court in Delaware.
Mr. Musk swooped in and exposed Twitter’s lack of business and financial prospects. After criticizing the company’s weaknesses, he now wants to back out of buying it.
Most legal experts say Twitter has the upper hand. But Musk revels in brinkmanship.
In a regulatory filing on Friday, Mr. Musk said Twitter was in “material breach” of the acquisition agreement.
At the halfway point of the year, it’s been a historically horrible time for stocks. Bonds are in bad shape, too.
A federal grand jury in Manhattan has issued subpoenas regarding the merger, which is also under investigation by financial regulators.
Mr. Musk said he wanted to confirm Twitter’s findings that spam and fake accounts make up less than 5 percent of its users.
Financially speaking, the billionaire’s buyout of the social media network breaks all the usual rules.
The Tesla chief executive has criticized Twitter’s content moderation policies and advocated open-source algorithms.
Workers say they have been left largely in the dark about what a sale to the billionaire would mean for them and their shares in the company.
The company’s 11-member board was negotiating with Mr. Musk into the morning on Monday over his offer to buy the social networking service and take it private.
The world’s richest man is trying to shore up debt financing, including potentially taking out a loan against his shares of Tesla, so he can buy Twitter for $43 billion.
Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe hat erstmals einen Hitze-Check für Städte mit 50.000 Einwohnern erstellt. Aus Sachsen sind sechs Städte dabei, darunter Görlitz.
Im Moselort Kröv sind Teile eines Hotels eingestürzt. Unter den Trümmern könnten sich nach Polizeiangaben neun Menschen befinden.
Kurz nachdem Donald Trump bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania auf die Bühne tritt, fallen mehrere Schüsse. Für das FBI steht kurz darauf fest: Es war ein Mordversuch gegen den Ex-Präsidenten. Noch sei der Schütze […]
Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung wird Trump durch Schüsse am Ohr verletzt. “Ich wusste sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte”, schreibt er anschließend auf Truth Social. Er habe sofort gespürt, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte. […]
LATHAM–Major General Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York, presents the Bronze Star Medal with V device to retired Master Sgt. Luis Barsallo during a ceremony at New York Division of Military and Naval […]
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